Spring Home and Gardening Gala
Saturday, March 3
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Johnson County Fairgrounds Extension Building
4265 Oak Crest Hill Rd SE, Iowa City, IA
Save money, energy and time by creating a beautiful home and garden that work harmoniously together. Meet fellow gardeners and home energy enthusiasts at this fun and information-packed event.
Workshops include:
· Successful Gardening Basics
· Deer-Resistant Gardening
· Easily Create a New Garden Bed
· Grow Mushrooms at Home
· Grow Seedlings and Save Money
· Reuse Materials in the Garden
· Create an Eco-Friendly Home
· Save Energy with Windbreaks and Shade
The cost is $30 if registered by February 29 and $35 at the door. Lunch, access to all workshops and materials are provided. Hosted by Backyard Abundance, the Master Gardeners, Trees Forever, and Center on Sustainable Communities. Click here for complete schedule.