Tuesday, April 17, 2012

MOCG News: Work Party Progress and Garden Blessing

A new growing season: mulberry trees, plots and paths all laid out, and tire stacks for growing potatoes.

Garden Blessing:
Miller Orchard Community Garden is ready for planting, and we want to bless it! Come to the garden at noon on Earth Sunday, April 22. Folks from First Mennonite Church will lead in a prayer and a song to bless the garden, the gardeners, and all the creatures for whom this plot of ground is home. Bring a sack lunch, if you like, and linger in a beautiful place! The blessing will happen rain or shine, unless there is a storm brewing.

The garden has all manner of entertainment for the kids.

Work Party Update:
We had a great work party on Saturday, April 14th. The fence got installed, paths are mulched and plots laid out and numbered. The sweet potato tire stacks are on the inside of the fence this year so that the fat woodchuck cannot use them as stairs to breach our perimeter. However, for people looking to come do a little extra work, we still need to have the stakes that hold the fence down pounded into the ground all the way around the fence (they will be in the shed; bring a rubber mallet if you have one), and there is always, always weeding in the front garden beds to do as people have time.

April 14 workday: laying out the perimeter fence stakes (above) and mulching paths between the plots (below)

Also, please think of the worms in our vermicomposter if you currently throw out kitchen scraps. Keep a little bucket or an old pot with a lid, and collect any sort of veggie or fruit scraps, bread, pasta, egg shells, and non-meat items. When you come to the garden, dump it into the vermicomposter. It has black doors and looks a little like a tornado shelter. The wormies will thank you, and the compost we get from it will help improve the soil.

If you need the combination for the shed, please email Marcia Widmer: tmmrwidmer (at sign) msn dot com.

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